For climbers who just started their bouldering journey and want an introduction to the basics of bouldering.
For climbers who want to build a strong foundation in bouldering to climb more intuitively.
For climbers who want to refine their climbing techniques by learning more advanced and efficient movements.
Designed for all climbers, regardless of skill or experience. To build strength, improve balance and mobility.
Benefits of Modular Classes:
We've categorized climbing into five key modules, forming the foundation for our three classes: Climbasics, Climbeta, and Climbstrong. Each module introduces specific climbing techniques and movements corresponding to these categories. Given the holistic nature of climbing, expect to encounter elements from other modules throughout your learning journey.
Climbasics, Climbeta, and Climbstrong have distinct focuses that will cater to your climbing needs. Feel free to approach any of our staff to find out more or have us recommend a suitable class.